Wednesday, April 27, 2011

C4T # 4

A picture of a pencil that has the words write on

C4T #4  

Post 1
This week I was assigned to read and comment on Mr. Kemp’s blog post entitled, “The Ebb and Flow of Shift – Thanks @PinkneyMichael.”
In this post Mr. Kemp talks about or comments on a tweet that Michael Pinkley had posted on Twitter.  Mr. Kemp basically summed up in his own words what the tweet meant.  Here Mr. Kemp as well as Mr. Pinkley is talking about there is a shift in teaching or education taking place and that they are not sure where it may be leading them.  They both talked about how what they do in the classroom has changed or has shifted.
My Response:

Mr. Kemp,
I read your post and I have to say that I find it fascinating for someone such as Mr. Pickney to post such a short but useful comment on Twitter.  While reading his comment as well as yours, I started to wonder if I would feel the way you two do, especially when I become an educator.  When you talk about there is a shift in education do you mean technologically or just everything in general?  I interpreted it as a technology shift but I could be wrong.
I do feel like there is a shift being made and teachers have to adapt to it as well as the students.  Teachers are having to constantly learn new methods and use different tools to reach out to the students.  I could see this shift being a positive one.  I guess this just means as future educators we are going to have to work extra hard to try to keep up with this shift. 
Thank you so much for allowing me to read your post as well as comment on it.  Here is a link to my blog page as well as my class blog. Please feel free to check them out!
….visit<a href=>my blog</a> and check out the <a href=>edm class blog</a>

Post 2

For the second part of the C4T # 4, I was assigned to comment on Mr. Scott Kemp’s blog post entitled, “Well, Duh!”  This post is about an article by Mr. Alfie Kohn about ten (examples) or obvious truths that we should not be ignoring.  Mr. Kohn said, “Some statements are worth noticing because in our school practices and policies we tend to ignore the implications that follow from them. It’s both intellectually interesting and practically important to explore such contradictions: If we all agree that a given principle is true, then why in the world do our schools still function as if it weren’t?  The ten examples  that he stated include:

1.       Much of the material students are required to memorize is soon forgotten
2.       Just knowing a lot of facts doesn’t mean you’re smart
3.       Students are more likely to learn what they find interesting
4.       Students are less interested in whatever they’re forced to do and more   enthusiastic when they have some say
5.       Just because doing x raises standardized test scores doesn’t mean x should be done
6.      Students are more likely to succeed in a place where they feel known and cared about
7.      We want children to develop in many ways, not just academically
8.      Just because a lesson (or book, or class, or test) is harder doesn't mean it's better
9.      Kids aren’t just short adults
10.    Substance matters more than labels

My Response:
Mr. Kemp,
I really enjoyed reading this article by Alfie Kohn. I also really love the title of the article.  The ten examples listed are or should be very obvious to teachers as well as others.  It should be a "Well Duh" moment but unfortunately that is not always the case.  I do though; find the ten examples to be very true. 
Thank you so much for allowing me to look over your blog and comment on your posts!!!
-Tiffany Blanton

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